Foto: RabDanas
(eng) – In evenings, when you can’t see rocks and fossils anymore, stop for a moment (so you don’t fall down into the sea) and look up at the night sky – you might see meteors, as the Perseid meteor shower is underway and peaking on the 13th of August!
Možete skinuti ili isprintati ovu kartu neba (prilagođena za Rab 12.8.), na kojoj je radijant – zviježđe Perzeja – označen elipsom. To je točka na nebu iz koje će meteori uglavnom pojavljivati. Najbolje je gledati u smjeru u kojeg će “ići”, dakle suprotno od radijanta, tako da promatrate nebo iznad glave i lijevo i desno od radijanta. Kad se prvi meteori pojave, skužit ćete metodu.
(eng) – You can download and/or print this map (adjusted for Rab, Aug 12), with the radiant – constellation of Perseus – is marked by an ellipse. That is the point from which meteors will apparently “arrive”. It’s best to look in the direction where the meteors will “go”, but still relatively high up, above your heads. When the first meteors appear, you’ll get the method.
Više informacija / More info at the link:
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