Home Najave “Musical summer nights” & “The songs under the stars” sa Irmom, Dijanom i Mateom / 1. i 2. 8. 2017. – Crkva sv. Ivana Evanđelista u 21h

“Musical summer nights” & “The songs under the stars” sa Irmom, Dijanom i Mateom / 1. i 2. 8. 2017. – Crkva sv. Ivana Evanđelista u 21h

“Musical summer nights” & “The songs under the stars” sa Irmom, Dijanom i Mateom / 1. i 2. 8. 2017. –  Crkva sv. Ivana Evanđelista u 21h

Foto: RabDanas

Nakon završene Prve hrvatske Broadway škole za glazbeni teatar i film, Irma, Dijana i Matea postale su prvorazredne izvođačice.

Prve noći izvest će neke od najvećih hitova iz West Enda i BroadwayaThe Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Don’t Cry for Me Argentina, New York, New York, Chicago, Cabaret, Moulin Rouge, Cadillac records, Glee, Dream Girls i Bodyguard.

Druge noći vaše će se najljepše uspomene na trenutak vratiti uz najveće hitove svih vremena. Etta James, Barbara Streisand, Frank Sinatra, Aretha Franklin, Celine Dion, Cole Porter, George Gershwin, Donny Hathaway, Whitney Houston i mnogi drugi velikani glazbene i filmske scene biti će s vama zahvaljujući ovom moćnom izvođačkom triju.


“Musical summer nights” & “The songs under the stars” with Irma, Diyana & Matea

You will have two unforgettable nights, with Irma, Diyana and Matea, at the concerts that will take place in the city of Rab on the 1st and 2nd of August, 2017, in the former basilica and monastery of St. John the Evangelist.

Having completed the First Croatian Broadway School for musical theatre and film, Irma, Diyana and Matea became first class performers. 

The first night they will perform some of the greatest hits from West End and Broadway: The Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Don’t Cry for Me Argentina, New York, New York, Chicago, Cabaret, Moulin Rouge, Cadillac records, Glee, Dream Girls and Bodyguard.














Then on the second night your best memories will be reawakened, through the biggest hits of all time. Etta James, Barbara Streisand, Frank Sinatra, Aretha Franklin, Celine Dion, Cole Porter, George Gershwin, Donny Hathaway, Whitney Houston and many others will come to life through this powerful trio.